Validate Card

This API validates that a card that matches the supplied card details exits on postcard.

Request Message description

Field #Field nameData typeMax lengthRequiredDescription
1issuerNrint3trueIssuer Number e.g 2
2accountIdstring10 to 28trueAccount ID or Number
3panLast4Digitsstring4truelast 4 digits of the card number
4pinBlockstring16 to 32trueDES encrypted pin
5expiryDatestring4trueCard expiry date
POST /card-management/api/v1/card/validate
Authorization = Bearer Token

Sample Request

	"issuerNr": 2,
    "accountId": "5612330000000029825",
    "panLast4Digits": "9825",
    "pinBlock": "DDD6ED826C02FAFB",
    "expiryDate": "5003"

Response Message  field description

Field #Field nameDescription
1codeInternal Response Code
2descriptionSuccessful or Error Message

Sample Response (success)

	"code": "00",
    "description": "Validation Successful: Card Found",
    "correlationId": "846192be80274cfea202f91e99907d77"

Sample Response (failure)

	"code": "00",
    "description": "Validation Successful: Card Found",
    "correlationId": "846192be80274cfea202f91e99907d77"