Get Card Balance for Prepaid Cards

This API handles requests to get Card Balance for Prepaid Cards. This endpoint is protected and only accessible to clients with the authority to view balance.

Request Message description

Field #Field nameData typeMax lengthRequiredDescription
1panstring16 to 19trueCard Personal Account Number (PAN)

POST /card-management/api/v1/card/prepaid/balance
Authorization = Bearer Token

Sample Request

  "pan": "5060990000000151002"

Response Message  field description

Field #Field nameDescription
1codeInternal Response Code
2descriptionSuccessful or Error Message
3correlationIdRequest identifier
4errorsErrors array if any errors exists.

Sample Response (success)

  "code": "00",
  "description": "Successful",
  "correlationId": "aae8ac58e55a4baa80cb58ee2b12d024",
  "ledgerBalance": 0,
  "availableBalance": 0,
  "goodsLimit": 1000000000,
  "goodsNrTransLimit": 1000000,
  "cashLimit": 1000000000,
  "cashNrTransLimit": 1000000,
  "paymentLimit": 1000000000,
  "paymentNrTransLimit": 1000000,
  "cardNotPresentLimit": 1000000000,
  "depositCreditLimit": 1000000000

Sample Response (failure)

  "code": "403",
  "description": "Access Denied"