The Basics

Learn how to integrate Interswitch APIs


Interswitch's API marketplace exposes you to a host of APIs to build your software applications. It's properties are RESTFUL and would be organized around the major resources you would be interacting with, however when there are exceptions we will let you know.

Restful API's are HTTP verb driven, we created some examples below to define them.

Restful API resources (Request)Definitions (response)
Example:- GET /order
This is used to retrieve information or search for a collection of orders.
Example:- POST /order
This is used to create or build information into an endpoint.
Example, create a new order.
Example :- PUT /order
This is used to update information
Example:- Bulk update all orders
Example :- Delete /order
This is used to delete information
Example:- Delete all matching orders
/orders// list of orders
/orders/ {id}// Specific order


This is an important step

Create a free business account where you can test your APIs. We will definitely provide you with test keys which you can use to make API calls.

Once, you must have signed up, you will see some keys, below we explain what each of those keys represent and how to use them effectively.

API Identifiers

KeyThis is a public key.
SecretThis is your Private key.
TokenThis is your Client key.

API Environments

There are two different types of environments with different API keys. Below, we explain

ProductionThis is your live key gotten after you have fulfilled all KYC requirements, you gain access to our live environment.
SandboxThis is a test key, where you can test our APIs in a live-like environment. No real transaction occurs in this environment


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Ask questions from our team or other developers on our Interswitch's developer community slack channel

Sample Requests

The Interswitch API Marketplace leverages HTTP request methods and you can download our entire API collection here.
We provide sample API requests and responses leveraging curl after each process has been expatiated on in terms of how to use.
We have also provisioned testing in our API reference documentation with various statuses.


Primarily, we use two types of authentication namely InterswitchAuth and Oauth 2.0. Authenticate your API calls by always including your secret key in the authorization header of every request you make.

Generally, you are provided with Public and secret keys. Public keys are by design used for front-end when integrating using Interswitch's inline or in our mobile SDK's only, however public keys cannot change any part of your account besides initiating transactions to you.

The Secret keys are to be kept secret, this key can be reset at anytime on your dashboard, if you believe its been compromised.



API requests without authentication will fail with Status code 401, this means unauthorized.